Wednesday, October 31, 2012

OUT LOUD & PERSONAL! (It's not what you think...)

I have been going through some “stuff”.  Great stuff.  Challenging stuff. Personal and deep stuff. God is awesome and as the song says, “His love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me!”  

I am jumping back in to the blog today because I was encouraged by the following scripture and knew that you could be too.  I am also jumping back in because a “sister of the heart” was innocently and unknowingly used to bring conviction in my life regarding my writing.  So hear I am, back in the water, sharing the purposeful meanderings.

We just bought a new house and it is a huge blessing and answer to many prayers. Currently, I am surrounded by boxes, and white walls that could benefit greatly by COLOR! Lol!  I also have spaces to fill with new furniture, rugs, pictures, etc.  I have NO skills in the area of decorating and very few in the logical organization of things.  I’m O.K. with that. I also, currently & temporarily have no paint/decorating budget.  It will come though! And when it does, I have friends who have “the gift” of transforming spaces into magical-ness! 

I have also been experiencing ZERO motivation to unpack, which is ridulousness when I consider how I have longed for this moment of homeownership again!  It is part of my “stuff”.  I will tell that story sometime.

So I am a believer in praying scripture OUT LOUD and Personalized.  There is a huge fight from the stinkin’ devil to have us feel silly about this, not believe it helps, or just not do it.  Well, if you’ve read anything about him you know this: he is around to STEAL, KILL, DESTORY AND LIE to us.  He wants us to have NOTHING that Jesus died to give us.  If that ticks you off – then read the verse and put YOUR NAME in the places where I put my husband Sandy’s and mine.  Then do it again and put your loved one’s name in there.  I am telling you what – you will FEEL the power of this immediately.  Yes, you will! 

This is from Job 1:10  from the Amplified Bible.  Now, don’t get all freaked out when you read Job’s story, because everything turns out great and we all learned a lot from it!  Remember, I am personalizing this for me.  The Word of God is customized for each of us.  When you find something in the Bible that you desire to have or  experience or believe for you or someone else, make it yours and pray it!  Out loud.

“God, You have put a hedge about Sandy and I and our house and all that we have, on every side!  You have conferred prosperity and happiness upon us in the work of our hands, and our possessions have increased in the land.”

This is a prayer for current times.  God wants us, and our children, and our extended family, and our friends to give Him glory and acknowledgement.  He doesn’t need it for Himself, but He knows it is important for US to remember where every good thing comes from.  He wants to bless us and protect us.  He wants the people of God to have much so they can give much, and to be a testimony that He is a good Daddy who takes excellent care of His children. 

He loves you.  Yeah, He really, really does – no matter what.  Have a changed day.  I love you too. <3 angele="angele" nbsp="nbsp" o:p="o:p">