Sunday, November 20, 2011

Daddy Time

Sometimes it is challenging for me to hang out with Abba without thinking about my to do list.  It is usually a spiritual kind of to do list concerning people I want to get in touch with, etc.  Sometimes it is a practical to do list as well, at which point I wonder if I am ADD. (I am NOT – distraction is a common tool used by the enemy of our souls.)

This morning I remembered what it used to be like to have a meal with my earthly Daddy.  We would laugh, talk, eat, and I realize now, I would usually be inspired and feel great afterwards.  I was ready to conquer the world, just because we were hanging out.  His presence lit fires in me – in great ways! J  

We hadn’t planned on having some big inspirational time during those meals (Although my Dad often planned those times as well – which weren’t always as fun as the spontaneous, no agenda, times.)  Even as I write this I realize I still don’t enjoy agendas as much as I do spontaneity.  I completely understand they have their place and are often very helpful, but I am a girl who responds to the flow of relationship and moderate adventure. Lol.

My parents cultivated this trait. They did things like pick us up after school on a Friday with our bags packed and announce we were going on a weekend trip to some glorious destination. We hit the road with snacks in hand and poodles on our laps!  My Mom and my Granny were notorious storm chasers before it was “the thing” to do.  Mom was the one who instigated the late night dashes to Dairy Queen or the romps in the fresh snow at 1:00 a.m.!

I digress.  Bunny trails are a specialty with me.  My Christian Studies girls used to say I was the BTQ – Bunny Trail Queen. J

As I was trying to focus on being in HIS PRESENCE this morning, I felt that God reminded me of what it was like to be in my Dad’s presence.  I once again had to remember to just be myself, to let go of any agenda and just ENJOY it! Here is what Father God, my loving heavenly Daddy, showed me as we enjoyed each other.

When I was with my earthly Dad we did three things:

We Laughed – It was fun, natural, funny, enjoyable, lighthearted, and even gleeful!  Does our Daddy in heaven enjoy lightheartedness?  Was Jesus a man on the earth who experienced ALL we experience? (He was FULLY human!  Check out the first several chapters of Hebrews – so rich and awesome.)  The benefits of joy and laughter are numerous and documented even in the secular world.  Let me tell you, I have found that there is no joy like HIS joy!!

We Talked – Ohhhhhh I do love to listen and talk!  I am a communicator!  I am easily stirred by others and have a great propensity to encourage, cheer on, and empathize.  I drink in the wisdom of God through other people’s experiences and knowledge.  I ALWAYS go away from spending time with a friend or loved one feeling better and ready to DO STUFF!  The more TIME I spend, the DEEPER we go, the more we are both impacted.  Hence, the world is impacted, one person at a time.  So, talking with God?  Listening to God?  Do you think He LOVES it???  Do you think He waits for us?  I do.  The only regret I ever have in the presence of God is that I have to leave the intensity of that place to go do the stuff.  Ha ha ha!  The Presence never really leaves us though - we carry it.

We Ate - Don’t you love to eat?  Most people do.  We love it when it’s yummy, and we are proud of ourselves if it’s healthy!  We are strengthened when we eat. If we don’t eat for too long we get shaky, foggy, weak, and weary.  That’s how I am when I don’t feed myself the Word of God and His very LIFE through His Presence.  I neeeed strength!  I don’t want foggy thinking and distorted decisions!  It is interesting how easy it is to resist fasting food, yet we have no problem not eating the Bread of Life every day.  OUCH Lord.  That is a powerful revelation.  I mean, I know it, but did He just say it like that?  Ummm...yeah, He did. Whoa – conviction anyone? My hand is totally raised right now. 

I learned a lot this morning hanging out with God.  Got some fires lit! Thanks for sharing this time with me.  Going back for seconds.